Standard Delivery Services:
Prices Include Delivery Up-To 20 Miles from Alexandria, LA. Deliveries include blocking and leveling. Deliveries exceeding the 20-mile limitation will be subject to additional charges, due to the mover, at the time of delivery.Customer's receiving deliveries will need to be present to approve the product and the building location on the property.
Standard blocking includes 4" solid concrete pads, placed approximately every 4 - 5 feet, under each skid. Delivery includes the blocks. For an additional charge, extra blocking is available.
Customer will be responsible in providing the clearance necessary for the mover to access the property. Any gates, gate posts, fences, etc. will need to be removed prior to installation.
Deliveries are scheduled "one on one" with each customer via phone call or text for your convenience. Deliveries dated are estimated based on Seller's present manufacturing capacity and scheduling may be revised by Seller upon receipt.
10'x20'x7'-Deluxe-48" Door and 2-Windows (Tan with Brown Trim)
Standard Deluxe Building with a 48" Door and 2- 24"x35" *Windows*. *Window Sizes Vary by Availability.*
Standard contstruction includes:
4x6 Treated Skids
2x6 Floor Joists on 16" Centers
3/4" Tongue and Groove Plywood Floors
2x4 Wall Studs on 24" Centers
2x6 Ceiling Joists on 24" Centers
1/2" Styrofoam on Ceiling
30-Gauge - Galvanized Steel - One Piece Roof
32-Gauge - Painted Steel - Wall Panels
Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed!!!
If you are unsatisfied with your building when it arrives, simply return it with the driver and all monies will be refunded- no questions asked!
1 Year Product Warranty